Working with the Fitbit API

First things first, all credit to Michael Galarnyk

Getting the imports right for Sphinx

import sys, os, pathlib
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

ROOT_DIR = str(pathlib.Path(os.path.realpath("__file__")).parents[2])
sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)

from hfkpy.fitbit.get_data import client

Grab the tokens

token_path = pathlib.Path(ROOT_DIR) / "tokens.csv"
tokens = pd.read_csv(token_path)

Instantiate the Fitbit API client

[ ]:
auth2_client = client(tokens)

Intraday Fitbit data

The intraday Fitbit data can be collected down to the second interval. This data includes calories | distance | elevation | floors | steps. To get multiple days of data we can pull intraday and concatenate over our date range of interest.

oneDate = datetime(year=2022, month=4, day=7)

oneDayData = auth2_client.intraday_time_series(
    "activities/heart", oneDate, detail_level="1min"

str(oneDayData)[:200] + "..."

"{'activities-heart': [{'dateTime': '2022-04-07', 'value': {'customHeartRateZones': [], 'heartRateZones': [{'caloriesOut': 2876.27486, 'max': 111, 'min': 30, 'minutes': 1405, 'name': 'Out of Range'}, {..."

View the data as a dataframe

heart_df = pd.DataFrame(oneDayData["activities-heart-intraday"]["dataset"])

time value
0 00:00:00 66
1 00:01:00 62
2 00:02:00 70
3 00:03:00 68
4 00:04:00 63

Visualize the data

plot_data = heart_df.head(100)
x_ticks = [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 99]
x_tick_labels = plot_data.iloc[x_ticks]["time"]
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 2), dpi=175)
sns.lineplot(data=heart_df.head(100), x="time", y="value")
plt.xticks(x_ticks, x_tick_labels)
plt.ylabel("Heart Rate (BPM)")
plt.title("Heart Rate Over Time")
