What is Versioning?


Versioning allows us to set stable release points in the code base for users to pull our package from. This way, a user can always find the version of our package that they used in their previous work to replicate that work. More information on versioning can be found in this awesome resource.

How to do it here

To version this package, from the root directory of hfkpy run:

  • python version_it.py

    • follow the onscreen prompts

  • make html

  • on GitHub go to releases and draft a new release

    • be sure to add release notes

    • the release name should be Version x.x.x some lower case short description

    • add a binary to the release like vx.x.x with contents “vx.x.x track” so that the package downloads can be tracked via git API

    • the badge link in the README.md needs to be a .png to work properly